10-12th September • Bergen
QR code for NDN 2024
Tuesday, September 10 2024


ROOM: Room: Kongesalen
09:00 - 10:30
Opening Session
Session chair: Vidar Faltinsen
Welcome to Norway Tom Røtting
Words from the CEO Valter Nordh
Living with volcanoes - passive sensing to detect earthquakes Kristin Jónsdottir

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

Track 1

ROOM: Room: Kongesalen

Track 2

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8

Track 3

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 7
11:00 - 12:30
Nordic networks
Session chair: Matti Laipio
European Buzzwords
Session chair: Josva Kleist
Educational services I
Session chair: Bartlomiej Idzikowski
Optical fiber cable redundancy in geopolitical challenging times Jørgen Qvist
Sunet network upgrade Magnus Bergroth
Providing network connectivity to Greenland Martin Bech
EuroHPC Hyperconnectivity Sebastiano Buscaglione
EOSC core Licia Florio
AI Panos Louridas
eduMeeet-latest developments Bartlomiej Idzikowski Stefan Otto

12:30 - 14:00


Track 1

ROOM: Room: Kongesalen

Track 2

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8

Track 3

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 7
14:00 - 15:30
Educational Services II
Session chair: Josva Kleist
Session chair: Henrik Tøndel
Science instruments
Session chair: Edward Moynihan
Academic Integrity - Cheating, AI Detectors and the unknown future Sonja Bjelobaba
On Everyone’s Lips and at Anyone’s Fingertips – The Norwegian Struggle to Rethink Assessment in the Face of Generative AI Christian Fjære
How the European legislation changes for educational services affecting procurement Monique Pellinkhof
Articulating the value of NRENs network offering in privacy and security Bo Bai
Reaching for New Stars. Communicating Value and Building Reputation through Employer Branding Åshild Berg-Tesdal
Stakeholder Management Annabel Grant
EISCAT 3D - Measurements Past and Future Simon Brown
Eruption monitoring: mapping and machine learning William Moreland

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break


ROOM: Room: Kongesalen
16:00 - 17:30
Lightning Talks
Session chair: Gyöngyi Horváth
Speech2text Lars Lund Thomsen
Why eduroam matters in the south Derrick Ssemanda
User Defined VPNs in eduVPN? Tangui Coulouarn
Campus Meets Combat: Is Sharing IT Systems Groovy or Not? Anna Therese Klingstedt
Empowering Diversity: The Global Expansion of the Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS) Program Brenna Meade
Breaking the code – Three useful communication hacks Lars Fuglevåg
NREN financial struggles! Cathrine Atuhhaire
Feide - the national solution for secure login and data sharing in education and research, daily used by 1.5 million Norwegians. Adrian Fellman
CNaaS has (almost) reached the south pole! Henning Løvmo
QKD network for Nordic embassies in Bruxelles Dev Null
Talking to your network data - "new insights" Jacob Steen Madsen
AI - Risk or Opportunity Sampsa Kares
Funet CSOC - Lessons learned so far Harri Kuusisto
CNaaS 2024 status update Henri Leinonen
The OCRE2024 tender and Framework Monique Pellinkhof
What do Arctic scientists want? Lisa Olsson
SciStream: Enabling Applications to Stream Data between Science Instruments and HPC Rajkumar Kettimuthu

17:30 - 18:00

Walk to Aulaen at Bergen University

18:00 - 19:30

Opening Reception - Bergen University

Wednesday, September 11 2024


ROOM: Room: Kongesalen
09:00 - 10:30
Wednesday Plenaries
Session chair: Rodney Wilson
AI as the next generation of automation Bob Friday
How Tech allows us to approach quantifying education Mohammad Khalil

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

Track 1

ROOM: Room: Kongesalen

Track 2

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8

Track 3

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 7
11:00 - 12:30
Polar Cables
Session chair: Matti Laipio
Campus network
Session chair: Vidar Faltinsen
Educational Services III
Session chair: Gyöngyi Horváth
Ocean basin and seafloor geology in the Arctic realm Paul Knutz
Icy waters – Bold operations. Navigating the Challenges of Arctic Cable Laying Ieva Muraskiene
Use case for Polar connect: Finland (LUMI), Japan, USA. Collaboration between different continents. Juha Oinonen
The GÉANT NREN Twinning program – Piloting CNaaS in Uganda Vidar Faltinsen Patience Nagaba Léonie Schäfer
CNaaNS - Campus Network as an NREN Service Maurice van den Akker
CNaaS in Sweden after 5 years of operations Mikael Ottosson Per Nihlén
Digivision 2030 Sakari Heikkillä
e-Universities and BrAIn projects Gordana Jugo

12:30 - 14:00


Track 1

ROOM: Room: Kongesalen

Track 2

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8

Track 3

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 7
14:00 - 15:30
Non-traditional uses of Optical Modem technology
Session chair: Rodney Wilson
Session chair: Vidar Faltinsen
Trust and Identity I T&I Evolution of Trust and technologies frameworks
Session chair: Licia Florio
Advancements in Distributed Acoustic Sensing over long-haul submarine links Jan Kristoffer Brenne
Quantum technologies and optical sensing projects at PSNC. Joint use cases and applications Piotr Rydlichowski
About Time?: Fibre as an alternative to GNSS Guy Roberts
MetrANOVA Ivana Golub Ed Balas
Nordic collaboration efforts on network monitoring Morten Brekkevold Jonas Hagström
Evolving Argus to meet the GÉANT NOC requirements Ilona Podliashanyk Erik Reid Hanne Moa
EduGAIN future Davide Vaghetti
DC4EU (Digital Credentials for Europe) Stefan Liström
The usage of OIDC outside the R&E community Leif Johansson

15:30 - 16:00


Track 1

ROOM: Room: Kongesalen

Track 2

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8

Track 3

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 7
16:00 - 17:30
Quantum computing and networking
Session chair: Henrik Navntoft Sønderskov
Last mile - remote regions
Session chair: Edward Moynihan
Trust and Identity II T&I for eScience and education
Session chair: Leif Johansson
EuroQCI in Finland: NaQCI Jani Myyry
In Quest of Scalable Quantum Networks Rajkumar Kettimuthu
QCI.dk - From quantum lab to telco racks Dev Null
Enhancing last mile access with 5G and other technologies Neil Shewry
LoraWAN (research instruments in remote areas) Jimmy Jessen Nielsen
How LEOSat developments can help Research and Education Erik-Jan Bos
Expanding eduGAIN: AARC Blueprint architecture Licia Florio
AAI as Paas: examples of how the AARC BPA has been deployed in infrastructures to support R&E Christos Kanellopoulos
Federated access to resources for research, where are we and where should we go? Anders Sjöström

18:00 - 22:30

Transfer and Dinner Fløirestauranten Fløyfjellet 2

Thursday, September 12 2024

Track 1

ROOM: Room: Kongesalen

Track 2

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8

Track 3

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 7
09:00 - 10:30
European Network Updates
Session chair: Matti Laipio
Security I
Session chair: Ingimar Jonsson
Performance improvement tools
Session chair: Edward Moynihan
Going global: GÉANT’s approach to Intercontinental Connectivity Veronika di Luna
Harnessing the Power of Collaboration Karin Wessel
The journey to 400Gbit/s and beyond Rob Evans
Detection and analysis of threats from netflow data Niels Jensen
Vulnerability management and prioritization of threats to our sector Valerio Lomanto
ClickHouse in the Blue Team Emil Henry Flakk
Research Engagement Mian Usman
Packet based sensing - detecting and localizing anomalies in large networks Otto J Wittner
Advancing Global Network Performance: Collaborative Research, Routing, and Data Movement Among NRENs Brenna Meade

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

Track 1

ROOM: Room: Kongesalen

Track 2

ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8
11:00 - 12:30
Research in networks
Session chair: Josva Kleist
Security II
Session chair: Ingimar Jonsson
High Touch Inline telemetry Yatish Kumar
Automation - SUNET SNC Network controller Markus Krogh
Workflow Orchestrator Peter Boers
Fortifying the Ivory Towers: A True Story of Implementing ISO 27001 in the University Environment Elin Nurges
NIS2 (new directive from the commission on information security, deadline Oct 2024) Lars Henrik Steensen
Addressing threats to Norway's knowledge sector: Leveraging intelligence and investigative techniques Ivar Friheim
Security – Training and awareness as a first line of defense. Ana Alves

12:30 - 13:30



ROOM: Room: Kongesalen
13:30 - 15:00
Closing Session
Session chair: Josva Kleist
Threats to international submarine cables Lars Gjesvik
Goodbye Norway - Hello Sweden Tom Røtting Maria Häll

15:00 - 15:30

Goodbye coffee