ROOM: Room: Kongesalen
09:00 - 10:30
Opening Session Session chair:
Vidar Faltinsen
Track: Plenary
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 09:00 - 10:30
Description: N/A
![]() Name: Vidar Faltinsen
Organisation: Sikt
Biography: Vidar Faltinsen obtained his masters degree in Computer Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 1993. He has since then worked in the field of networking with primary focus on campus networks, first as an engineer, later as a manager. He has eight years of experience from NTNU. From 2004 to 2021 he has been with the Norwegian NREN Uninett. Uninett merged into Sikt in 2022 and Faltinsen currently works there as a product manager for campus network services.
Welcome to Norway
Tom Røtting
Words from the CEO
Valter Nordh
![]() Name: Valter Nordh
Organisation: NORDUnet
Biography: Valter graduated in 2000 with a Master of Science in Engineering Physics from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he also worked in various IT-related roles until 2006. From 2006 Valter has been employed by the University of Gothenburg, where he led the Applications and Development team in the IT department before joining the GN3 project as a task leader (eduGAIN) and later as an activity leader in the AAI area.
Currently Valter shares his time between being a task leader in the GN3plus project task ‘federation as a service’ - a pilot to investigate how to lower the barriers for creating and running identity federations - acting as deputy activity leader for the GN3plus AAI activity, and being a CTO in the Swedish national research and education network SUNET. In SUNET Valter has been leading the Swedish identity federation, SWAMID, since its formation in 2007.
Valter took on the job as CEO for NORDUnet in 2021
In his spare time Valter enjoys training in various forms, such as running, swimming and bicycling.
Living with volcanoes - passive sensing to detect earthquakes
Kristin Jónsdottir
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 09:00 - 10:30
Abstract: Despite vast scientific efforts over many decades, prediction of volcanic eruptions remains highly challenging. Still, the situation has improved since eruptions do not happen as complete surprises. Usually, time will suffice for an evacuation. As new satellite data come in, it is possible to update the model of the volcanic system resulting in higher accuracy of predictions. The model is updated at least on a weekly basis.
![]() Name: Kristin Jónsdottir
Organisation: R&E Community
Biography: Kristín Jónsdóttir is a geophysicist. She took her undergraduates at the University of Iceland and PhD from Uppsala University in volcano seismology. She was a postdoc in Ireland, at University College Dublin and since 2013 she has been working at the Icelandic Met Office which is responsible for monitoring natural hazards in Iceland. Her focus is on research and monitoring earthquakes and volcanoes. Currently she is the head of the Earth Science department at the Icelandic Met Office.
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
Track 1
ROOM: Room: Kongesalen
Track 2
ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8
Track 3
ROOM: Room: Dræggen 7
11:00 - 12:30
Nordic networks Session chair:
Matti Laipio
Track: Track 1
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
Description: This session is about the evolving networks in the Nordics. Focus is in the new network updates and how the Nordic networks are responding to new service requirements and adapt to the current security environment.
![]() Name: Matti Laipio
Organisation: CSC/Funet
Biography: Matti has worked for the CSC - IT Center for Science since 2008. CSC is administrating and developing the Finland's NREN Funet. Currently Matti is Development Manager responsible for Funet network and CSC datacenter networks. Matti has been project manager for designing next generation Funet. Funet 2020 network will be using the latest technology, consepts of open line systems and network disaggregation. Matti has MSc in telecommunications from Helsinki University of Technology.
European Buzzwords Session chair:
Josva Kleist
Track: Track 2
Location: Room: Dræggen 8
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
Description: We are going to open pandora's box of buzzwords. You all heard them, presented in keynotes with glossy well prepared slides. Here we are going to take a peek into what hides behind the facade and hear presentations from people who are actually involved in developing the technical realisation of these high profiled ideas. You will not get the complete picture of attending this session, but you will get a little insight on what is actually going on.
![]() Name: Josva Kleist
Organisation: NORDUnet
Biography: Josva Kleist is coordinating the design, implementation and operation of NORDUnet software system activities, internal as well as external.
Josva Kleist joined NORDUnet in 2006 and worked as NDGF Software Coordinator until the end of 2010 and was one of the main drivers behind the Nordic distributed WLCG Tier-1.
Josva Kleist came to NORDUnet from Aalborg University where he held a position as associate professor in computer science. Josva Kleist's research career has been focused on issues related to networks and distributed systems.
Josva Kleist holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Computer Science.
Educational services I Session chair:
Bartlomiej Idzikowski
Track: Track 3
Location: Room: Dræggen 7
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
Description: In the session you will get the latest technological developments in the use of video, recording and streaming services (Zoom, Kaltura, eduMEET). Universities from the Nordics present on the applied video services. From the eduMEET Board the newest features and capabilities will be shared.
![]() Name: Bartlomiej Idzikowski
Organisation: PSNC
Biography: Bartlomiej Idzikowski graduated from the Poznan University of Technology in 2003 (Computing Science - Computer Networks and Distributed Systems) and has become PSNC employee (Network Department).
His research interests focus on videoconferencing (eduCONF, VC Service in Pionier network), high resolution video systems (4K, 8K), web based applications, streaming technologies, network management and traffic monitoring.
His professional background is asserted by long-term cooperation within different European projects (as 6NET, GN2, GN3, GN3plus, Porta Optica Study, Phosporus, VISIONAIR), as well as national ones (as Platon, Future Internet Engineering, Future ICT).
Bartlomiej actively took part in preparing and realization of many workshops, conferences and presentations, therein many VC-based events.
Optical fiber cable redundancy in geopolitical challenging times
Jørgen Qvist
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
Abstract: Looking at the new risks imposed by the current geopolitical environment and willingness to engage in hybrid warfare and sabotage.
Revisiting the current NORDUnet and Nordic interconnects design, in the light of this new situtation. Look at ways to address the redundancy and resiliency concerns at a Nordic and regional level and highlight opportunities to take advantage of new infrastructure projects.
![]() Name: Jørgen Qvist
Organisation: NORDUnet
Biography: Jørgen Qvist joined NORDUnet in 2008 following management positions in tech and telecom companies. Responsible for NORDUnet service delivery, operations, and development. Jørgen holds a diploma in Engineering Bus. Admin. From the Copenhagen College of Engineering and in Specialized Information Technology from Copenhagen Business School
Sunet network upgrade
Magnus Bergroth
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
Abstract: Upgrading Sunets national routed network from vendor specific 100G coherent optics to generic pluggable 400G optics, using the benefits of a colourless DWDM network. Migrating users during the build out to be done on time and at the same time change the protocol hand of for some of them. Introduce new routing features and firewall terms protecting the core and user interface. Deploying with a new in house developed management tool. Obvious it got delayed, some times for funny reasons.
Providing network connectivity to Greenland
Martin Bech
![]() Name: Martin Bech
Organisation: DeiC
Biography: Martin Bech has an MSc in Electrical Engineering and has been with the
Danish Research Network (formerly UNI•C, now DeiC) since 1986, where he
has been a driving force in many pioneering projects: large-scale
student computing facilities, firewalls and security, parts of the first
commercial Internet service in Denmark, nation-wide services for schools
in Denmark, the Danish Healthcare Network and many other projects.
Today, he is Head of NREN as well of responsible for the commercial IT
services related to the DIX (Danish Internet Exchange). In this
capacity, he has managed development of the network and services to a
much larger portfolio while increasing cost efficiency.
EuroHPC Hyperconnectivity
Sebastiano Buscaglione
EOSC core
Licia Florio
eduMeeet-latest developments
Bartlomiej Idzikowski
Stefan Otto
![]() Name: Bartlomiej Idzikowski
Organisation: PSNC
Biography: Bartlomiej Idzikowski graduated from the Poznan University of Technology in 2003 (Computing Science - Computer Networks and Distributed Systems) and has become PSNC employee (Network Department).
His research interests focus on videoconferencing (eduCONF, VC Service in Pionier network), high resolution video systems (4K, 8K), web based applications, streaming technologies, network management and traffic monitoring.
His professional background is asserted by long-term cooperation within different European projects (as 6NET, GN2, GN3, GN3plus, Porta Optica Study, Phosporus, VISIONAIR), as well as national ones (as Platon, Future Internet Engineering, Future ICT).
Bartlomiej actively took part in preparing and realization of many workshops, conferences and presentations, therein many VC-based events.
12:30 - 14:00
Track 1
ROOM: Room: Kongesalen
Track 2
ROOM: Room: Dræggen 8
Track 3
ROOM: Room: Dræggen 7
14:00 - 15:30
Educational Services II Session chair:
Josva Kleist
Track: Track 1
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Description: In this session you can hear about how the use of AI is challenging education as we know it and how the European legislation changes are affecting procurement of educational services.
![]() Name: Josva Kleist
Organisation: NORDUnet
Biography: Josva Kleist is coordinating the design, implementation and operation of NORDUnet software system activities, internal as well as external.
Josva Kleist joined NORDUnet in 2006 and worked as NDGF Software Coordinator until the end of 2010 and was one of the main drivers behind the Nordic distributed WLCG Tier-1.
Josva Kleist came to NORDUnet from Aalborg University where he held a position as associate professor in computer science. Josva Kleist's research career has been focused on issues related to networks and distributed systems.
Josva Kleist holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Computer Science.
Outreach Session chair:
Henrik Tøndel
Track: Track 2
Location: Room: Dræggen 8
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Description: “Outreach” is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “an effort to bring services or information to people where they live or spend time.” This session will explore how we, as NRENs, tackle the ongoing challenge of effectively communicating our services, value, and the actual work of the NREN and R&E communities to audiences beyond our immediate circles.
To safeguard that our community continues to evolve and stay relevant we must make sure to help our stakeholders recognize the unique position of the NRENs and the R&E community in addressing emerging challenges.
Name: Henrik Tøndel
Organisation: Sikt
Biography: tba
Science instruments Session chair:
Edward Moynihan
Track: Track 3
Location: Room: Dræggen 7
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Description: NRENs provide support for science instruments and science end-users in a variety of ways. From providing global, advanced networking connectivity for data-intensive distributed instruments, to providing data management services for researchers working in remote areas, the NREN community works together with scientists and science communities to advance discovery. This session will feature talks from researchers and representatives from global science projects on how they are working with NRENs and using NREN services to enhance their scientific pursuits.
Name: Edward Moynihan
Organisation: Indiana University
Biography: Edward Moynihan joined IN@IU in 2017 as Principal Network Engagement Analyst. In this role, Edward supports the NEAAR and TransPac projects by working directly with scientists and researchers to help achieve better international file-transfer performance and to increase utilization of IU’s international research networking systems. He also works closely with IN@IU’s international partners to promote the use of international research networking resources and to deliver enhanced functionality to research collaborators and other R and E networking stakeholders.
Prior to joining the IN@IU team, Edward led Global Programs at Internet2 and served as Co-Secretary of the Global Research and Education Networking CEO Forum.
Academic Integrity - Cheating, AI Detectors and the unknown future
Sonja Bjelobaba
Name: Sonja Bjelobaba
Organisation: University of Uppsala
Biography: Senior Lecturer in Research Ethics, Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB), Uppsala University
Senior Lecturer in Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Department of Modern Languages, Uppsala University
Vicepresident of the European Network for Academic Integrity
On Everyone’s Lips and at Anyone’s Fingertips – The Norwegian Struggle to Rethink Assessment in the Face of Generative AI
Christian Fjære
Articulating the value of NRENs network offering in privacy and security
Bo Bai
Location: Room: Dræggen 8
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Abstract: In an era dominated by security and compliance, it is essential to align NRENs communication strategies with these priorities. How can we improve our messaging to resonate within this wave of security and compliance expectations?
Name: Bo Bai
Organisation: DeiC
Biography: Bo Bai joined DeiC in 2022 as an IT-Architect. Bo has more than 20 years of experience building and operating research infrastructures in the labs and datacenters at Aalborg University. Since joining DeiC in 2022, he has worked on a new legal framework for DeiC’s services to the Danish universities. Bo has held holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science.
Reaching for New Stars. Communicating Value and Building Reputation through Employer Branding
Åshild Berg-Tesdal
Name: Åshild Berg-Tesdal
Organisation: Sikt
Biography: Åshild Berg-Tesdal holds a master’s degree in media studies from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She is a communicator with extensive experience in the Norwegian university sector. From 2019 to 2021 she lead the communication department in Unit – The Norwegian Directorate for ICT and joint services in higher education and research. Unit merged into Sikt in 2022, where Berg-Tesdal now leads as Head of Communication.
EISCAT 3D - Measurements Past and Future
Simon Brown
Location: Room: Dræggen 7
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Abstract: For the last 40 years EISCAT has used its high power radars to further
research in a wide range of topics including aurora, meteors and space
weather. EISCAT is replacing its main radar with a new system called EISCAT 3D that will drive new research for decades to come. This talk will give an
overview of EISCAT and EISCAT 3D, and how the Nordunet network is key part of the new system.
Eruption monitoring: mapping and machine learning
William Moreland
Location: Room: Dræggen 7
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Abstract: Over the last 4 years Iceland has experienced 9 separate eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula, 6 of which have threatened infrastructure and population in the vicinity of Grindavík and Svartsengi (Blue Lagoon). In this talk I will give an overview of this activity and how we use technology to monitor eruptions, particularly unmanned aerial systems (drones). After presenting some of our observations I will outline a recently completed proof-of-concept project which uses machine learning to map lava fields and the future of volcano monitoring.
Name: William Moreland
Organisation: University of Iceland
Biography: I completed my PhD in volcanology at the University of Iceland in 2017. I am currently a postdoc at the University of Iceland continuing to work on Eldgjá and the recent eruptions on Reykjanes. In November I will begin a new position at the Icelandic Meteorological Office as a GIS specialist with a focus on hazard and risk analysis.
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
ROOM: Room: Kongesalen
16:00 - 17:30
Lightning Talks Session chair:
Gyöngyi Horváth
Track: Plenary
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Description: N/A
Name: Gyöngyi Horváth
Organisation: GÉANT
Biography: TBD
Lars Lund Thomsen
Why eduroam matters in the south
Derrick Ssemanda
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: eduroam, a secure global roaming access service for international research and education, significantly advances higher education and research collaboration. In Uganda, innovations such as metro-eduroam and eduroam on the Go have extended connectivity to various regions, enabling researchers and students to access the network even in remote areas. This presentation highlights RENU’s innovation in creating different eduroam flavors to serve various groups within Uganda’s research and education community. This has enhanced connectivity for students, researchers, and academic staff. By providing secure, seamless internet access, RENU has facilitated online study anytime and anywhere, thereby enabling academic collaboration, supporting international research partnerships, and improving mobility. Additionally, eduroam has leveled the playing field for smaller institutions, providing equal access to high-quality internet services. RENU's experience underscores eduroam's role in promoting equitable access to education and research resources, fostering socio-economic development, and integrating institutions in the Global South into the global academic community.
Name: Derrick Ssemanda
Organisation: RENU
Biography: Derrick Ssemanda is a highly skilled IT professional with extensive experience in systems and software engineering. Currently serving as a Senior Engineer I at the Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU), Derrick has a robust background in IT infrastructure management, system automation, and cloud administration. His career at RENU spans several years, where he has advanced from Systems and Software Engineer roles to his current senior position, demonstrating his capability and dedication.
He is passionate about leveraging open-source solutions and enjoys working on IT equipment and software. His technical skills are broad and deep, encompassing systems automation, Linux administration, database management, Docker containerization, IT networking, system analysis, virtualization, cloud administration, and more. Derrick's leadership and decision-making skills have been honed over years of experience, enabling him to excel even under high-stress situations.
Derrick enjoys exploring new IT solutions and technologies, particularly those that are open-source. His passion for IT extends beyond his professional work, reflecting his free-spirited and self-motivated nature.
Derrick Ssemanda is a dedicated and skilled IT engineer who continues to contribute significantly to the field of systems and software engineering. His expertise and passion make him a valuable asset to any organization he is part of.
User Defined VPNs in eduVPN?
Tangui Coulouarn
Campus Meets Combat: Is Sharing IT Systems Groovy or Not?
Anna Therese Klingstedt
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: What are the pros and cons of a small university college sharing IT systems with the rest of the Norwegian Armed Forces?
The Norwegian Defence University College trains and educates officers and specialists for the Norwegian Armed Forces, bridging the academic and military sectors. Anna Therese Klingstedt will discuss how this dual focus impacts the procurement and use of IT systems in a digital environment that prioritises secrecy and security over collaboration and dissemination.
Empowering Diversity: The Global Expansion of the Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS) Program
Brenna Meade
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: Diverse perspectives fuel innovation, driving productivity, revenue, and workplace health, yet the tech sector still lags in diversity. This talk will spotlight the Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS) program, which empowers 5-8 women each year to help build the world’s fastest temporary network. Discover the successes and lessons from nearly a decade of fostering talent in a field where it’s needed most. Indiana University and ESnet are thrilled to announce that WINS is expanding globally, now accepting applications from international participants for SC25. Join us in shaping the future of tech!
Breaking the code – Three useful communication hacks
Lars Fuglevåg
NREN financial struggles!
Cathrine Atuhhaire
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are pivotal in the digital age, offering high-speed internet and advanced services to the education and research sectors. This abstract explores NRENs' financial sustainability challenges, especially during and post-COVID-19.
Key aspects include the variability and reliability of revenue streams like membership fees, service subscriptions, and grants, alongside the importance of efficient cost management. Effective cash
flow forecasting and diversified funding sources are essential financial resilience strategies.
Insights aim to guide NREN administrators, policymakers, and stakeholders in achieving long-term operational viability and excellence
Feide - the national solution for secure login and data sharing in education and research, daily used by 1.5 million Norwegians.
Adrian Fellman
![]() Name: Adrian Fellman
Organisation: Sikt
Biography: Adrian Fellman is a Product Owner at Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research, currently working with Feide and specializing in data sharing platforms and customer-facing solutions. He is also actively engaged in multiple projects and working groups dedicated to data sharing and standardization within the Norwegian education sector.
CNaaS has (almost) reached the south pole!
Henning Løvmo
QKD network for Nordic embassies in Bruxelles
Dev Null
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: EU member states will very likely be able to get 50% funding for joining a proposed embassy network in Bruxelles, but I want to extend the invitation to our non-EU Nordic friends, who may not have heard about this project before.
The estimated cost is 1 million € for a country to join up (so 500.000€ if co-funded by EU).
This will show the highlights of this proposed infrastructure project on linking up several countries and technologies in a geographically small, cost efficient and manageable QKD network.
![]() Name: Dev Null
Organisation: DTU
Biography: Dev Null is currently spearheading the Danish national Quantum Communication Infrastructure project where they are responsible for implementing a network between 3 universities and the 4 Danish ministries of: Defence, Foreign affairs, Commerce and Research.
Getting this quantum secured network deployed and ready by summer 2025, as Denmark takes the presidency of the EU Council.
Being co-chair of the EuroQCI thematic working group on architecture, Dev Null is in close contact with QCI projects around EU and collaborates with several standardisation organisations, contributing to the future of quantum-secured communication.
They have a background in cybersecurity at a large Nordic bank, having had a seat at NFCERT, as well as experience in network administration and being the president of a small ISP.
This together with a degree in civil engineering specialisation in railway infrastructure design and project management, gives Dev a diverse toolset that uniquely positions them to transition Quantum Key Distribution from academic research to practical, large-scale network applications across Europe.
Fun fact:
In 2020, embracing the Internet culture of defining our own names online, they started the process to get “Dev Null” approved as a legal name in Denmark. Succeeding after a court case against the Danish State.
Talking to your network data - "new insights"
Jacob Steen Madsen
AI - Risk or Opportunity
Sampsa Kares
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: Sampsa Kares from CSC talks about AI tools that Finnish higher education field has been interested in lately. Sampsa will go through the risks and opportunities these tools can bring.
Funet CSOC - Lessons learned so far
Harri Kuusisto
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: In my presentation, I’ll shortly present one of our newest Funet service, Funet CSOC, our experiences and some of the lessons learned so far.
![]() Name: Harri Kuusisto
Organisation: Funet / CSC
Biography: I'm a development manager at CSC - IT Center for Science in Finland and managing group of people taking care of Funet network services. Our group has also responsibilities in communications, marketing, reporting and other customer oriented tasks as organising customer surveys. I've been also actively working with NORDUnet CTO Forum and currently co-chairing Geant SIG MSP (Special Interest Group of Managing Service Portfolios).
CNaaS 2024 status update
Henri Leinonen
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: Overall ongoing status of Funet Campus service and looking into what we are able to offer to our Funet member organizations currently and in future since we got a new supply contract early summer.
The OCRE2024 tender and Framework
Monique Pellinkhof
What do Arctic scientists want?
Lisa Olsson
Location: Room: Kongesalen
Date: Tuesday, September 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Abstract: The North Pole Fiber project is laying the foundation for Polar Connect, a submarine cable between Northern Europe and East Asia through the Arctic Ocean, on the shortest possible route. Using sensing technology, this cable will be able to continuously collect scientific data from the deep sea in previously unseen ways. Such a long-term Arctic observatory has the potential to revolutionise Arctic research. To understand the priorities and needs of the scientific community, we have invited Arctic scientists to join an interactive webinar.
SciStream: Enabling Applications to Stream Data between Science Instruments and HPC
Rajkumar Kettimuthu
![]() Name: Rajkumar Kettimuthu
Organisation: Argonne National Laboratory
Biography: Rajkumar Kettimuthu received the B.E. degree from Anna University, Chennai, India, and an M.S. and Ph. D. from the Ohio State University, all in Computer Science and Engineering. He is currently a Computer Scientist in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, and a Senior Fellow in the Computation Institute at The University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. He is the technology coordinator for Globus GridFTP, a heavily used production quality data mover. He serves as a principal investigator for several projects funded by National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Energy. His research is focused on high-speed transfer of large-scale data, software defined networking, and resource management. He has co-authored more than 80 articles in the above-mentioned areas including in premier computer science conferences and journals. He is a recipient of R&D 100 award. He has served as program chair for several international workshops and as a program committee member for close to 100 conferences and workshops. He has been listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in Science and Engineering since 2008. He is a senior member of both IEEE and ACM