AAI as Paas: examples of how the AARC BPA has been deployed in infrastructures to support R&E
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Trust and Identity II T&I for eScience and education
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- European Buzzwords
AI - Risk or Opportunity
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
Sampsa Kares from CSC talks about AI tools that Finnish higher education field has been interested in lately. Sampsa will go through the risks and opportunities these tools can bring.
AI as the next generation of automation

- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Wednesday Plenaries
About Time?: Fibre as an alternative to GNSS
- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Non-traditional uses of Optical Modem technology
Academic Integrity - Cheating, AI Detectors and the unknown future
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Educational Services II
Addressing threats to Norway's knowledge sector: Leveraging intelligence and investigative techniques
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Security II
Advancements in Distributed Acoustic Sensing over long-haul submarine links

- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Non-traditional uses of Optical Modem technology
Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) on submarine fiber optic cables enhances the security of our critical telecom infrastructures by providing real-time cable threat monitoring at low cost. Previously, in long-haul submarine telecommunication systems, DAS was limited to the shore end spans, extending down to the first repeater. We present recent advancements in DAS and repeater technology that now enable complete DAS coverage along the entire length of new repeatered submarine links.
Advancing Global Network Performance: Collaborative Research, Routing, and Data Movement Among NRENs

- Room: Dræggen 7
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Performance improvement tools
This talk will provide an overview of how the NREN community is working together in various ways to identify and address data transfer performance issues at a global scale and provide information on how audience members can get involved in these efforts. The talk will examine how NRENs support international testbeds, like SC24 and the Data Mover Challenge (DMC), international performance working groups, like the GNA/APAN routing working group, and engineering collaborations, like the ANA, AER, and APOnet.
Articulating the value of NRENs network offering in privacy and security
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Outreach
In an era dominated by security and compliance, it is essential to align NRENs communication strategies with these priorities. How can we improve our messaging to resonate within this wave of security and compliance expectations?
Automation - SUNET SNC Network controller

- Room: Kongesalen
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Research in networks
An Open Source network controller called Clixon that allows you to create python services that automatically configures your network devices.
Breaking the code – Three useful communication hacks
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
CNaaNS - Campus Network as an NREN Service
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Campus network
Due to a shortage of qualified ICT staff, educational and research institutions often seek to outsource ICT services when possible. However, the campus network infrastructure is still regarded as a strategically important, customized, and secure asset, requiring careful consideration when outsourcing. With its deep knowledge of networks and its close ties to the community, the NREN is viewed by E&R institutions as the ideal partner to support them in this endeavor. This presentation outlines SURF's insights and experiences in developing, building, and offering a Campus Network as a Service portfolio. We’ll explore the lessons learned from interviews and both greenfield and brownfield pilot implementations. What key considerations guide us in delivering this service, and what could be the long-term impact on our organization? SURF is already working together with other NRENS in developing CNaaS software. We would also like to collaborate and share knowledge within the broad area of product management and service delivery.
CNaaS 2024 status update

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
Overall ongoing status of Funet Campus service and looking into what we are able to offer to our Funet member organizations currently and in future since we got a new supply contract early summer.
CNaaS has (almost) reached the south pole!
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
CNaaS in Sweden after 5 years of operations
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Campus network
CNaaS - 5 years running: Evolution of the system, essons learned and the way forward
Campus Meets Combat: Is Sharing IT Systems Groovy or Not?

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
What are the pros and cons of a small university college sharing IT systems with the rest of the Norwegian Armed Forces? The Norwegian Defence University College trains and educates officers and specialists for the Norwegian Armed Forces, bridging the academic and military sectors. Anna Therese Klingstedt will discuss how this dual focus impacts the procurement and use of IT systems in a digital environment that prioritises secrecy and security over collaboration and dissemination.
ClickHouse in the Blue Team
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Security I
NREN blue teams (CERTs) are increasingly becoming reliant on analyzing large amounts of data to understand, protect and improve their networks. This talk will present a general-purpose analytics database (ClickHouse) and how it can be applied to use cases within NRENs, particularly those related to cyber security and experiences at Sikt's cyber security center (eduCSC). The intuition gained will help you understand analytics can offer your team and what you should be looking when building your own solution.
DC4EU (Digital Credentials for Europe)
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Trust and Identity I T&I Evolution of Trust and technologies frameworks
Detection and analysis of threats from netflow data

- Room: Dræggen 8
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Security I
Attacks on servers and infrastructure is a daily occurrence in the Danish National Research and Education Network (FSK). Those responsible for operations can find it hard to assess which network traffic is legitimate, and which is caused by attacks or even compromised systems within the network. Retroactively analysing incidents is also slow and tedious work. For this reason, netflow data from FSK routers is now collected in a single database. This allows speedy data analysis three months back in time, close to real time analysis of fresh data and automated alerts based on indicators of compromise retrieved from the common MISP databaseFor this reason, netflow data from DRN routers is now collected in a single database. This allows speedy data analysis three months back in time, close to real time analysis of fresh data and automated alerts based on indicators of compromise retrieved from the common MISP database.
Digivision 2030
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Educational Services III
EISCAT 3D - Measurements Past and Future
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Science instruments
For the last 40 years EISCAT has used its high power radars to further research in a wide range of topics including aurora, meteors and space weather. EISCAT is replacing its main radar with a new system called EISCAT 3D that will drive new research for decades to come. This talk will give an overview of EISCAT and EISCAT 3D, and how the Nordunet network is key part of the new system.
EOSC core

- Room: Dræggen 8
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- European Buzzwords
EduGAIN future
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Trust and Identity I T&I Evolution of Trust and technologies frameworks
eduGAIN, renowned as a global trust infrastructure for Research and Education, enables millions of researchers and students to utilize their institutional accounts for accessing global services. While its minimal technical and policy demands have enabled consistent expansion of federations, they have also exposed challenges of authentication and access mechanisms that lack seamless integration for the user.
Empowering Diversity: The Global Expansion of the Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS) Program

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
Diverse perspectives fuel innovation, driving productivity, revenue, and workplace health, yet the tech sector still lags in diversity. This talk will spotlight the Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS) program, which empowers 5-8 women each year to help build the world’s fastest temporary network. Discover the successes and lessons from nearly a decade of fostering talent in a field where it’s needed most. Indiana University and ESnet are thrilled to announce that WINS is expanding globally, now accepting applications from international participants for SC25. Join us in shaping the future of tech!
Enhancing last mile access with 5G and other technologies
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Last mile - remote regions
Since the early 2000s, Janet has been a fibre-based network. Core infrastructure, regional access networks, and last mile connectivity to members and customers, all delivered over fibre cables in the ground. Fibre based services are robust, direct, secure, and high capacity, but increasingly customers now want services that are more flexible, faster to deliver and mobile. Things that aren’t always possible when reliant on fibre on the ground. Jisc is developing a range of last mile network access services for its members that utilise alternative methods of connectivity, such as: 4G/5G cellular, wireless, traditional broadband, SD-WAN, and even satellite. This session looks at some of the modern-day connectivity challenges R&E members need to overcome, and the portfolio of products and services Jisc is developing to address those challenges.
Eruption monitoring: mapping and machine learning
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Science instruments
Over the last 4 years Iceland has experienced 9 separate eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula, 6 of which have threatened infrastructure and population in the vicinity of Grindavík and Svartsengi (Blue Lagoon). In this talk I will give an overview of this activity and how we use technology to monitor eruptions, particularly unmanned aerial systems (drones). After presenting some of our observations I will outline a recently completed proof-of-concept project which uses machine learning to map lava fields and the future of volcano monitoring.
EuroHPC Hyperconnectivity
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- European Buzzwords
EuroQCI in Finland: NaQCI
- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Quantum computing and networking
CSC/Funet is participating in the Finnish national EuroQCI project NaQCI.fi, together with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Erillisverkot, and Cinia. The project has two main objectives: 1) to build a public QKD testbed within the Helsinki metropolitan area and 2) establish the first national governmental long-haul QKD network. CSC/Funet and VTT focus on the public testbed while Erillisverkot and Cinia take care of the governmental part. The public testbed contains both commercially available QKD technology and VTT developed QKD implementations. Here, we discuss about the current status and results so far. We emphasize the strong collaboration we have established with the neighboring national EuroQCI projects in Sweden, Estonia, and Latvia which helps to prepare for the next phase cross-border EuroQCI developments.
Evolving Argus to meet the GÉANT NOC requirements
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Monitoring
Argus is an alarm aggregator designed to be used by NOCs. GÉANT recently committed to modernising their NOC's alarms dashboard. Sikt and GÉANT are exploring using Argus as a common NOC alarm platform. A feature gap exists due to Argus' source-agnostic design versus GÉANT NOC's requirements for integrated source-specific details. Both organisations want to find a common solution. Development is underway: Sikt is extending the Argus core to support GÉANT's requirements, while GÉANT's software team is integrating their existing NMS with the Argus backend and creating the customised GÉANT-specific frontend components. We will describe this collaboration and demonstrate the current state of the project.
Expanding eduGAIN: AARC Blueprint architecture

- Room: Dræggen 7
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Trust and Identity II T&I for eScience and education
Federated access to resources for research, where are we and where should we go?
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Trust and Identity II T&I for eScience and education
Feide - the national solution for secure login and data sharing in education and research, daily used by 1.5 million Norwegians.

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
Fortifying the Ivory Towers: A True Story of Implementing ISO 27001 in the University Environment
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Security II
Funet CSOC - Lessons learned so far

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
In my presentation, I’ll shortly present one of our newest Funet service, Funet CSOC, our experiences and some of the lessons learned so far.
Going global: GÉANT’s approach to Intercontinental Connectivity

- Room: Kongesalen
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- European Network Updates
The presentation will give an insight into the GÉANT intercontinental connectivity (IC) activities that have significantly expanded with the start of the GN5-IC1 project and dialogue with the European Commission on Global Gateway opportunities. GÉANT’s global traffic grows are at approximately 35% per year and with areas such as LHC, Astronomy, ITER and HPC all generating ever more data, capacity upgrades and new well-thought strategic investments are vital. In addition to the high traffic growth, we are seeing the global connectivity landscape changing with the new hubs forming, technologies evolving, and new types of ownership and over-the-top telcos (OTTs) coming to the fore. This was particularly clear while working on the most recent investment to Singapore and with the current activity on purchasing spectrum connectivity to North America.
Goodbye Norway - Hello Sweden

- Room: Kongesalen
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 13:30 - 15:00
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Closing Session
Harnessing the Power of Collaboration
- Room: Kongesalen
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- European Network Updates
The Dutch NL-Tier1 site plays a crucial role in global scientific research, particularly within the CERN LHC network, by combining advanced technology and international collaboration to advance knowledge. This presentation highlights SURF's role in the global research network landscape, its partnership within the CERN LHC network, and its involvement in the Global Network Architecture-Global Connectivity (GNA-G) initiative to enhance global research connectivity. SURF is key to Dutch research infrastructure, fostering connectivity and supporting cutting-edge collaborations. The talk will provide updates on SURF’s contributions to creating a seamless, high-capacity network for global data sharing. Key developments in Cross Border Fiber (CBF) connectivity, such as new CBF rings, will also be discussed. Additionally, the role of NetherLight, SURF’s Global Exchange Point, in facilitating international data exchange will be explored. The presentation will cover SURF’s recent 800G trial between Amsterdam and Geneva, which prepares for the future data demands of the upgraded LHC and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) projects. This initiative exemplifies the forward-thinking efforts of NL-Tier1 to support global scientific advancements.
High Touch Inline telemetry
- Room: Kongesalen
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Research in networks
How LEOSat developments can help Research and Education
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Last mile - remote regions
LEOSat technology and services can play an important role for research and education connectivity, mostly in the last mile. Various R&E Networks around the world have been experimenting with LEOSat technology over the last few years. Some have already integrated LEOSat connectivity in their arsenal for connectivity. This talk will look at LEOSat technology, the LEOSat players, and some use cases. Last but not least, we will elaborate on what is happening with LEOSat on a global scale.
How Tech allows us to approach quantifying education

- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Wednesday Plenaries
How the European legislation changes for educational services affecting procurement
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Educational Services II
Icy waters – Bold operations. Navigating the Challenges of Arctic Cable Laying

- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Polar Cables
The presentation explores the technical challenges associated with submarine cable laying operations in the unexplored and unmapped Arctic region. It will highlight the strategy and solutions that are being developed by NORDUnet and the Nordic NRENs to navigate the harsh conditions and logistical complexities and pave the way for the Polar Connect submarine cable system.
In Quest of Scalable Quantum Networks

- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Quantum computing and networking
Quantum communications have come a long way, from a scientific concept to small-scale experiments and more recently metropolitan-scale demonstrations. However, in order to move from small-scale point-to-point demonstrations and laboratory experiments to more realistic scalable quantum networks, we need infrastructures that can enable the characterization and evolution of both foundational building blocks (devices, protocols, network services) and applications —those that can be deployed today and others with components still at the R&D stage. Argonne Quantum Network (ArQNet) is a campus-scale quantum network at Argonne National Laboratory that connects heterogeneous quantum resources in five different buildings via deployed fiber optics with a new space (under development) to establish an extended hub. It also has dark fiber links to Fermilab, the University of Chicago and Starlight (a network exchange point in downtown Chicago) with extension to Northwestern University. In this talk, I will a) provide an overview of ArQNet; b) briefly describe various quantum networking projects that ArQNet supports; and c) summarize the future expansion plans in quest of realizing scalable quantum networks.
Living with volcanoes - passive sensing to detect earthquakes

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Opening Session
Despite vast scientific efforts over many decades, prediction of volcanic eruptions remains highly challenging. Still, the situation has improved since eruptions do not happen as complete surprises. Usually, time will suffice for an evacuation. As new satellite data come in, it is possible to update the model of the volcanic system resulting in higher accuracy of predictions. The model is updated at least on a weekly basis.
LoraWAN (research instruments in remote areas)
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Last mile - remote regions
LoRaWAN supports datarates up to 50 kbps and communication ranges up to tens of kilometers, and provides a cheap and lightweight solution to connect small sensor devices deployed over a large area. However, the achievable datarata and coverage in a specific sensor deployment depends on various factors and may be far from these limits. This talk gives a brief introduction to LoRaWAN and the factors that are determining or limiting performance, leading to insights on what performance is to be expected in different situations.
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Monitoring
MetrANOVA is a community consortium formed in late 2023 by ESnet, GÉANT, Indiana University, Internet2, and Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) to develop tools, tactics, and techniques for network measurement. MetrANOVA aims to develop and share open architectures, technical components, design patterns, best practices, and policy recommendations to create effective network measurement systems. In supporting effective use of network measurements for operations, engineering, planning it aims to provide growth opportunities for students and staff. As a natural, trusted, and open consortium, we would like to share our roadmap and invite interested parties to engage with the consortium.
NIS2 (new directive from the commission on information security, deadline Oct 2024)

- Room: Dræggen 8
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Security II
NREN financial struggles!
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are pivotal in the digital age, offering high-speed internet and advanced services to the education and research sectors. This abstract explores NRENs' financial sustainability challenges, especially during and post-COVID-19. Key aspects include the variability and reliability of revenue streams like membership fees, service subscriptions, and grants, alongside the importance of efficient cost management. Effective cash flow forecasting and diversified funding sources are essential financial resilience strategies. Insights aim to guide NREN administrators, policymakers, and stakeholders in achieving long-term operational viability and excellence
Nordic collaboration efforts on network monitoring

- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Monitoring
A Nordic working group on network monitoring has identified two areas where the Nordic NRENs would like to see improvement in their network monitoring portfolio; IP state monitoring and monitoring in the optical domain. This has resulted in two work packages that are funded as NORDUnet strategic Initiatives. The first work package has done a a reimplementation of the long-standing IP state monitor Zino in Python and provided a new web UI as well. The second work package has developed a tool that gathers optical metadata across borders and across optical domains and presents results in a Nordic optical weather map. This is a huge improvement for the NORDUnet NOC as the NORDUnet IP network is based on alien waves provided by the individual Nordic NRENs.
Ocean basin and seafloor geology in the Arctic realm

- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Polar Cables
The Arctic and North Atlantic ocean basins are the product of tectonic, oceanographic, and (paleo) climatic processes that have been active over millions of years. The heterogeneity of the seabed varies hugely in response to seafloor gradient, proximity to sediment sources, tectonic regimes, ocean currents and ice-seabed interactions. If we exclude the spreading zones along the central axis, the deep basins are characterized by vast areas of gentle seafloor topography of an overall soft and fine-grained composition. In contrasts, the shelf and slope regions is, and has been, influenced by numerous Earth system processes that contributes to an irregular and occasionally unstable seafloor, which may be hazardous to submarine installations such as polar cables. The aim of this talk is to provide an overview of the seafloor types in the Arctic region with examples from Baffin Bay-West Greenland margin and the Eurasian Arctic Ocean.
On Everyone’s Lips and at Anyone’s Fingertips – The Norwegian Struggle to Rethink Assessment in the Face of Generative AI
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Educational Services II
Optical fiber cable redundancy in geopolitical challenging times

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Nordic networks
Looking at the new risks imposed by the current geopolitical environment and willingness to engage in hybrid warfare and sabotage. Revisiting the current NORDUnet and Nordic interconnects design, in the light of this new situtation. Look at ways to address the redundancy and resiliency concerns at a Nordic and regional level and highlight opportunities to take advantage of new infrastructure projects.
Packet based sensing - detecting and localizing anomalies in large networks
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Performance improvement tools
To maintain awareness of what level of service our customers and user experience end-to-end when they are online across our networks is essential. Active packet based measurements between sensors close to customer equipment and all the way to sensors close to service nodes can provide the necessary data-sets, while event-based analysis can provide readable overviews and alarms. This talk presents an add-on to perfSONAR 5 which offers exactly these features.
Providing network connectivity to Greenland

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Nordic networks
QCI.dk - From quantum lab to telco racks

- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Quantum computing and networking
This talk will take the audience through some of the challenges that Denmark and several other EU countries have faced when they have produced or procured QKD equipment and then tried to install it outside of lab settings as part of the EuroQCI.
QKD network for Nordic embassies in Bruxelles

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
EU member states will very likely be able to get 50% funding for joining a proposed embassy network in Bruxelles, but I want to extend the invitation to our non-EU Nordic friends, who may not have heard about this project before. The estimated cost is 1 million € for a country to join up (so 500.000€ if co-funded by EU). This will show the highlights of this proposed infrastructure project on linking up several countries and technologies in a geographically small, cost efficient and manageable QKD network.
Quantum technologies and optical sensing projects at PSNC. Joint use cases and applications

- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Non-traditional uses of Optical Modem technology
PSNC as NREN and HPC center participates in number of quantum technologies initiatives and projects such as EuroQCI, EuroQCS and EuroQSM. These offer first real life use cases and trials of quantum technologies in operation environment and infrastructure. One of the points of interest is optical sensing using optical fibers and how quantum technologies can help to enchance classical optical sesning systems. The presentation will include results from PSNC use cases, on operational infrastrucutre and particularly how EuroQCI infrastructure, its quantum communication channel monitoring capabilities can be used to correlate and contribute to sensing systems. *Bio: *Piotr Rydlichowski graduated at Poznań University of Technology in Electronics and Telecommunication with particular focus on Telecommunication Systems. Between 2003 - 2208 conculded PhD Studies at Poznań University of Technology- Modern Information Engineering with focus on Electromagnetic Waves Theory and numerical simulaton techniques. Since 2008 at Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, involved in projects connected with maintenance, operation and development of Polish National Research and Education Network - PIONIER. Participant in GEANT projects focused on modern optical networks. Engaged in European and National projects focused on novel optical data transmission systems and networks. Currently coordinating ant PSNC quantum technologies projects - quantum computing, communication and sensing. Involved in EuroQCI and EuroQCS initiatives.
Reaching for New Stars. Communicating Value and Building Reputation through Employer Branding
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Outreach
Research Engagement
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Performance improvement tools
SciStream: Enabling Applications to Stream Data between Science Instruments and HPC

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
Security – Training and awareness as a first line of defense.
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Security II
This session intends to highlight the important role of training and awareness on protecting your organization. What initiatives are happening that can benefit your organization and support you on improving maturity on security. From training sessions, workshops, campaigns, meetings and other events, there are many things that can fit your organization needs.
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
Stakeholder Management
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Outreach
Sunet network upgrade

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Nordic networks
Upgrading Sunets national routed network from vendor specific 100G coherent optics to generic pluggable 400G optics, using the benefits of a colourless DWDM network. Migrating users during the build out to be done on time and at the same time change the protocol hand of for some of them. Introduce new routing features and firewall terms protecting the core and user interface. Deploying with a new in house developed management tool. Obvious it got delayed, some times for funny reasons.
Talking to your network data - "new insights"
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
The GÉANT NREN Twinning program – Piloting CNaaS in Uganda
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Campus network
This presentation discusses the NREN twinning pilot project by The Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU) and The Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (Sikt), conducted from November 2023 to April 2024. Aimed at enhancing global NREN networks, this project enabled RENU to develop its Campus Network as a Service (CNaaS) from scratch to deployment within six months through intense collaboration with Sikt. The program also improved RENU's network automation, monitoring, and cybersecurity capabilities. The presentation highlights the benefits of such collaborations, suggesting future systematic NREN twinning for faster, cost-effective service development and enhanced global NREN networks.
The OCRE2024 tender and Framework
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
The journey to 400Gbit/s and beyond
- Room: Kongesalen
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- European Network Updates
Janet is reaching a tipping point. The current iteration of the UKs NREN was built in 2012 and has been evolving ever since. In terms of core bandwidth that has been in multiples of 100Gbit/s, which served the UK well for a decade, but technology has developed, user demand continues to rise, and available optical spectrum is running low in certain parts of the network. This talk will look at the history of provisioned capacity vs usage on Janet; the upgrades and developments that have taken place to date to keep pace with demand; and the continued measures required to protect the UK from evolving cyber security threats. We’ll also look at the 5 year plan from August 2024 that needs to be delivered on to enable Jisc and Janet to continue to meet the demands of its users; to enable teaching, learning and research in the UK; and to facilitate collaboration across the globe.
The usage of OIDC outside the R&E community
- Room: Dræggen 7
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 14:00 - 15:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Trust and Identity I T&I Evolution of Trust and technologies frameworks
Threats to international submarine cables

- Room: Kongesalen
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 13:30 - 15:00
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Closing Session
Use case for Polar connect: Finland (LUMI), Japan, USA. Collaboration between different continents.
- Room: Kongesalen
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Polar Cables
User Defined VPNs in eduVPN?

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
Vulnerability management and prioritization of threats to our sector
- Room: Dræggen 8
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Track 2
- Session
- Security I
Each year, over 25,000 vulnerabilities are discovered, underscoring the need for a robust vulnerability management methodology that prioritizes the most critical threats. To achieve this, we must develop a deep understanding of our attack surface, automate data collection and aggregation, and gain insights into how threat actors operate. By combining these elements, we can more effectively identify, prioritize, and mitigate vulnerabilities to reduce the risks we face.
Welcome to Norway

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Opening Session
What do Arctic scientists want?
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
The North Pole Fiber project is laying the foundation for Polar Connect, a submarine cable between Northern Europe and East Asia through the Arctic Ocean, on the shortest possible route. Using sensing technology, this cable will be able to continuously collect scientific data from the deep sea in previously unseen ways. Such a long-term Arctic observatory has the potential to revolutionise Arctic research. To understand the priorities and needs of the scientific community, we have invited Arctic scientists to join an interactive webinar.
Why eduroam matters in the south
- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 16:00 - 17:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Lightning Talks
eduroam, a secure global roaming access service for international research and education, significantly advances higher education and research collaboration. In Uganda, innovations such as metro-eduroam and eduroam on the Go have extended connectivity to various regions, enabling researchers and students to access the network even in remote areas. This presentation highlights RENU’s innovation in creating different eduroam flavors to serve various groups within Uganda’s research and education community. This has enhanced connectivity for students, researchers, and academic staff. By providing secure, seamless internet access, RENU has facilitated online study anytime and anywhere, thereby enabling academic collaboration, supporting international research partnerships, and improving mobility. Additionally, eduroam has leveled the playing field for smaller institutions, providing equal access to high-quality internet services. RENU's experience underscores eduroam's role in promoting equitable access to education and research resources, fostering socio-economic development, and integrating institutions in the Global South into the global academic community.
Words from the CEO

- Room: Kongesalen
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 09:00 - 10:30
- Track
- Plenary
- Session
- Opening Session
Workflow Orchestrator
- Room: Kongesalen
- Thursday, Sep 12 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 1
- Session
- Research in networks
not confirmed
e-Universities and BrAIn projects

- Room: Dræggen 7
- Wednesday, Sep 11 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Educational Services III
Two major CARNET projects currently being implemented will be presented. CARNET is implementing the e-Universities project with the aim of digital transformation of higher education (HE) in the Republic of Croatia (RH) by improving the digital teaching infrastructure, introducing digital teaching tools and strengthening digital competences of teachers for teaching in a digital environment. The general objective of the e-Universities project is to improve the quality and accessibility of the higher education system, by enhancing the flexibility and innovation of public higher education institutions through investments in digital teaching infrastructure. The BrAIn project is focused on the Croatian school system. The goal of the BrAIn project is to enhance the quality of the educational process by integrating digital technologies to establish a personalized approach to learning and teaching, as well as by developing curricula and digital educational content in the field of emerging digital technologies.
eduMeeet-latest developments

- Room: Dræggen 7
- Tuesday, Sep 10 2024 11:00 - 12:30
- Track
- Track 3
- Session
- Educational services I