News & Updates

Highlights from PTC25

The Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) serves as a hub for experts, businesses, and organizations involved in global telecommunications and technology. PTC’s annual conference, held in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, gathers leaders to discuss

Come meet us at TNC 24

In the week of 10-14 June, the European NRENs, their global R&E network partners, and their European and global stakeholders will meet

The NDN2024 programme is out

The NORDUnet 2024 conference programme has been published. You will find well-known session topics relevant to the research and education community, such

ANA consortium website launched

The Advanced North Atlantic (ANA) consortium is a joint effort between nine research and education networking organizations in North America, Europe, and

Terabit network ready for EISCAT_3D

EISCAT_3D radar will enhance near-Earth space research – the crucial data network is now ready The European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT)
