The new Nordic network taking shape


A more powerful, more resilient and more affordable Nordic network for research and education is taking shape. The new NORDUnet network is based on collaboration and infrastructure sharing. Collaboration and sharing are key elements to solving the challenge of delivering more capacity and redundancy for less money. Fortunately, that is something the Nordic NRENs have […]

Danish NREN DeIC Selects New DWDM Platform


Deic, the Danish NREN, has selcted Ericsson and ECI Telecom as providers for a new, national optical network footprint for research and education. The new DWDM optical network platform, based on the ECI Apollo 9600 series, allow both 100Gbps coherent and 10Gbps optical transmission, with a total of 88 channels on a single fibre. The new […]

NORDUnet point-of-presence in Geneva

View of lac Léman

NORDUnet has opened its first PoP in central Europe.  Located at the CERN Internet eXchange Point (CIXP) in Geneva, the PoP allows NORDUnet to Connect directly to CERN, serving connections for a major, global science community and ensuring Nordic high-energy physics research the best possible facilities; Connect to CERNlight, the Open Lightpath Exchange point at CERN, in […]

Tele2 Sweden supplies dark fibre for new Sunet network

Sunet & Tele2

NORDUnet congratulate Sunet on the deal with Tele2 Sweden for the supply of dark fiber. Below you can read more about the details from the joint news release from Sunet and Tele2 Sweden. The public procurement for the new Sunet network is done. The deal means Tele2 will build the dark fiber infrastructure for data […]