Registration open for 3rd Fed4FIRE+ Engineering Conference (FEC)
The third Fed4FIRE+ Engineering Conference (FEC) will be take place on 14-16 March 2018 in Paris, France. Fed4FIRE+ is an Integrating Project under the European Union’s Programme Horizon 2020, addressing the work programme topic Future Internet Research and Experimentation. It started in January 2017 and will run for 60 months until the end of September 2021. Fed4FIRE+ seeks to integrate and […]
Testbeds-as-a-service to help researchers design networks
Researchers who build networks or design advanced distributed applications now have the opportunity to test their designs in a real-world environment – without the risk of breaking services belonging to others in the process. The GÉANT Testbeds Service (GTS) is ready to welcome users. “Europe needs the ability to deploy experimental networks at scale. There […]