Kent Engström wins GÉANT 2015 Community Award


NORDUnet congratulates Kent Engström (SUNET and Linköping University) with being awarded the 2015 GÉANT Community Award. Kent was honoured for his contributions to the Trusted Certificate Service (TCS – formerly known as TERENA Certificate Service), which helps to increase security in online transactions by facilitating the deployment of digital certificates. The award was presented during the […]

Roland Hedberg awarded Vietsch Foundation medal of honour


NORDUnet congratulates Roland Hedberg, University of Umeå, with being awarded a Vietsch Foundation medal of honour for his activities in the specification and development of essential components of current Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures (AAI), a cornerstone of secure access to websites, applications and data. The medal was presented to Roland at the closing plenary of the TNC15 […]