Setting Sails for the next generation of European research networking


EuroHPC, European Open Science Cloud, ever increasing cross-border and global research collaboration, and a transition to digial and data driven research and education accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis all pose formidable challenges for European research communities. European researchers are making strong progress in AI, green technologies, health and medicine, and much more. The European Commision […]

Setting Sails for the next generation of European research networking


EuroHPC, European Open Science Cloud, ever increasing cross-border and global research collaboration, and a transition to digial and data driven research and education accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis all pose formidable challenges for European research communities. European researchers are making strong progress in AI, green technologies, health and medicine, and much more. The European Commision […]

R&E Networks Pick their Project Planning Team


At the March 2021 general assembly of GÉANT Association, the European R&E network collaboration, new members were elected for a key body. The GÉANT Programme Planning Committee (GPPC) will prepare project proposals for European R&E Networking and related areas under the Horizon Europe seven-year framework programme for research funding, starting with a Financial Framework Partnership […]