Following 16 years as CEO of NORDUnet, René Buch becomes Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Association.
Initiated by the European Commission, EOSC will open doors for improved utilization of the vast amounts of research data generated in Europe. With René Buch as CTO, the EOSC Association will benefit from his long service to the research and education community including his relationships and knowledge of research infrastructures, interaction with funders and the European Commission and government bodies. In addition to his R&E experience, René Buch has a long and diverse background within ICT, computing, networking, and telecommunications.
Since it is important for René Buch to properly hand over the NORDUnet organization to interim CEO Valter Nordh, the transition to his new position at EOSC will happen gradually, taking full effect from May 2022.
NORDUnet is happy to learn that René will continue to contribute to the continued advancement of European e-Infrastructure and congratulates him with his new challenges.