ANA consortium website launched

ANA consortium website launched

The Advanced North Atlantic (ANA) consortium is a joint effort between nine research and education networking organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia committed to maintaining, operating, and sharing a high-speed trans-Atlantic network. The consortium recently celebrated 10 years of being a path-finder for inter-continental research and education networking.

Over the caurse of these 10 years, ANA has gone from being an experiment in 100Gbps trans-Atlantics networking and a show-case for creating resilience through infrastructure sharing to being today an established production-quality ressource delivering more than 2 Tbps of capacity with a high degree of mutual backup. Today, the ANA System is a nexus of vital global connectivity that has profound accelerative impacts on the pace of scientific discovery and research. 

The ANA system keeps evolving to meet the needs of research and education. As part of the development towards managing increased capacity and growing complexity, the ANA joint engineering team has developed a series of operations resource, including the a joint engineering wiki and a ANA link dashboard. These ressources and more are now availble throug the  Advanced North Atlantic consortium website.

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