Join the NORDUnet Webinar on Polar Connectivity

On Wednesday 5 October, 2022 at 10:00 am – 11.30 am CEST NORDUnet will host a webinar on the economic value of submarine cables in the Arctic, and associated topics relating to fiber connectivity between Japan and the EU See the full invitation for more information, and register now to join the event. The webinar […]

Dialogue meetings for LMS Request for Information

In June, NORDUnet published a public market request for information (RFI) on Learning Management System (LMS) platforms. NORDUnet and the Nordic NRENs are pleased that there has been significant market interest. We have received 9 responses to the RFI, and are conducting dialogue meetings this week. Following the dialogue meetings, the Nordic partners will asses […]

Jørgen Qvist presenting the NORDUnet optical network implementation at APAN54

NORDUnet Chief Network Operating Officer Jørgen Qvist is presenting today at the APAN54 conference is the session Comparison of Transmission Networks of NRENs belonging to Developed and Developing countries. Jørgen is one of several experts presenting on implementations of transmission networks for research and education, focusing on technology, cost, deployment, and business justifications. Jørgen Qvist […]

NDN 2022 Keynote presentation: Get ready for the 800 GE reality

Smaller, faster, cheaper have traditionally been the desired features in IP router evolution. Now power efficiency and improved cooling have entered the stage. Is air a vital cutting-edge IP router component? Indeed, it is. “Routers and their components have been shrunk to a level where the cooling of the system has become a major challenge. […]

NDN 2022 Keynote presentation – Moving North: Arctic Development in Times of Geopolitical Changes

Anu Fredrikson, Executive Director of Arctic Frontiers, believes that accelerated European policies for green transition is a great opportunity for the Nordics. Hear her analysis at the NORDUnet Conference 2022. Arctic Frontiers gather scientists, policy makers, local and indigenous representatives, and businesses for discussions on responsible and knowledge-based development in the Arctic Region. Anu Fredrikson […]

Towards Vision 2030 for Polar Connect

In the past few weeks, NORDUnet has been promoting the idea of subsea cables across the Arctic Ocean to connect Europe, Asia and the North American West Coast at the GÉANT and European NREN conference TNC22, and at the annual meeting of European telecoms regulators EuroDIG. Trans-Arctic cables will give Europe resilience, digital autonomy, and […]

NORDUnet to address Arctics at EuroDIG

With internet traffic between Europe and Asia continuing to rise, direct connectivity via the Arctic Ocean becomes increasingly attractive. This will be a key message when NORDUnet CEO Valter Nordh participates in a high-level panel debate at the EuroDIG (European Dialogue on Internet Governance) conference later this month. “Notably, direct connections via the Artic Ocean […]

Invitation to the NORDUnet Learning Management System RFI

A public market Request for Information (RFI) on Learning Management System (LMS) has today been published on behalf of the higher education sector of the Nordic countries. NORDUnet, on behalf of the Nordic community (NRENs), hereby invites interested parties  to participate in an RFI (Request for Information) process in the form of a vendor-dialogue, in […]

Join the NORDUnet International Relations team

NORDUnet is looking for engaged and committed professionals for our international relations team. The team engages with NRENs, research communities, e-Infrastructures and policy around the world, and facilitates, coordinates and drives initiatives on behalf of the Nordic NRENs. To learn more, please visit our our recruitment agency MercuriUrval.

The Arctic Cornerstone of Global Connectivity

A new report from Copenhagen Economics highlights the benefits of submarine cable systems through the Arctic region; They will bring resilience, mitigate digital congestion, improve sustainability, and induce more than 1 billion EUR worth of economic benefits to the Nordic region. According to a new report The Economic Value of Submarine Cables in the Arctic […]