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Swedish networking throughout October

Swedish networking throughout October

From 11 to 27 October, Swedish NREN Sunet invites its stakeholders to join online seminars, presentations, and opportunities for mingling.

In these unrestful times, cyber security is high on the agenda as Swedish national research and education network Sunet continues the Sunetdagarna (Sunet days) tradition. For instance, participants may learn how the Kalix municipality recovered from a major ransomware attack on December 16, 2021.

The main target group for Sunetdagarna is employees of the institutions connected to Sunet or people with a similar professional interest in the Sunet network. While the conference is a well-established tradition, the all-online format was introduced during the COVID era and has already become the new normal. Held via Zoom, the digital version of the conference allows for a high level of flexibility. The conference runs over a three-week period, and participants can join to the extent which suits their personal preferences.

Even though the format is all-digital, the organizers do have the social dimension of the event in mind. All through the event an online chat room – in Swedish a Fika Zoom Room – will be open, and a Sunetdagarne After Work session will be held towards the closing of the event.

While several sessions focus on cyber security, a range of other topics will also be covered. Just to take an example, the opening keynote presentation will be given by Associate Professor Elina Eriksson of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) on the role of computing in solving major environmental problems currently facing society.

For more information, see the full program (in Swedish).

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