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Call for Lightning Talks for NTW2019

Call for Lightning Talks for NTW2019

NORDUnet would like to invite lightning talks for the upcoming NORDUnet Technical Workshop (NTW2019).

We have two lightning talk sessions in this year’s programme ( – Tuesday 24 September, and Thursday 26 September. The lightning talks make up the only plenary sessions at NTW2019, so this will be the opportunity to update the community on new developments and initiatives.

Lightning talks are five-minute presentations focusing on one key point; this can be an idea, a successful project, a cautionary tale, a collaboration invitation, or even a quick tip. Everything within the R&E community. The NTW offers you a great audience who will be happy to learn about progress, news and views.

“There are no limits. You can choose to focus on some minuscule technical detail only relevant to one or two in the audience. No problem, everyone else will know that in five minutes somebody else will take the floor”, says Lars Fischer, Lightning Talks session chair and member of the programme committee.

Use the time wisely to present the pertinent message of the subject matter without the need for background history, the problem space or a business-case justification.

If (with emphasis on “if”!) you want to use slides, make sure they are clear, light and not too many (typically one or two will do).

Submit your lightning talk proposals – speaker name, affiliation, title, one or two paragraph abstract – to

Looking forward to hearing your talk in Copenhagen.

Learn more about NTW19

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