Erik Kikkenborg joins WACREN panel on Scalable platforms for Digital Education
Digital education has seen a steady increase over the past couple of years and the technologies that facilitate it intensified during the pandemic, resulting in an unprecedented boom in usage. NORDUnet Chief Collaboration Officer Erik Kikkenborg has been a driver in meeting the growing demands in the Nordics, however, has also joined collaborations to help […]
Erik Kikkenborg appointed Chief Collaboration Officer
Erik Kikkenborg has been appointed Chief Collaboration Officer at NORDUnet, where he will be responsible for collaborative service and platform innovation. Erik, previously heading the Media and Streaming services group, will in his new role work closely with our Nordic partners to drive service innovation. Likewise, he will safeguard Nordic involvement in global collaborations, especially […]
Lars Fischer appointed Chief Relations Officer
Lars Fischer has been appointed Chief Relations Officer at NORDUnet, where he will be responsible for relations with key stakeholders. In his new role, Lars will drive the strategic direction together with the Nordic NRENs and help create strategic projects. Lars will propel European and global partnerships and be responsible for engagement with European research […]
Licia Florio joins NORDUnet
Licia Florio joins NORDUnet as Strategy and Policy Officer with our Strategic Engagement Division. Licia will focus on support for European research infrastructures and research communities and our engagement in European partnerships. Her primary work will be with the Nordic NRENs to further develop the NORDUnet project portfolio and European engagement, and with European stakeholders […]
Jørgen Qvist appointed Chief Operating Officer
Jørgen Qvist has been appointed Chief Operating Officer at NORDUnet, where he will head the new Core Services Division; a streamlined service delivery, operations, and development organization focusing on network engineering, systems engineering and integration, and software development. Jørgen comes from a position as Chief Network Operations Officer within NORDUnet, and will in his new […]
Josva Kleist appointed Chief Technology Officer
Josva Kleist has been appointed Chief Technology Officer at NORDUnet, where he will head the new Strategic Engagement Division. Previously, Josva was responsible for the software development and systems integration at NORDUnet, however, as of 9 February, Josva will be driving stakeholder engagement, support for research communities and infrastructures, as well as international relations. The […]
NORDUnet cyber security team renews certification
The Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) at NORDUnet has completed the relevant procedures for re-certification under the auspices of the European cyber security organization TF-CSIRT. “We are pleased to be able to maintain a top standing when it comes to cyber security. First of all, our collaborators can know that we follow best practice […]
Assisting next level e-learning in South Asia
Following several years of collaboration on remote education, NORDUnet and partners in six South Asian countries take things to the next level. Project BeLISAC – Building eLearning Infrastructure in South Asian Countries – seeks to utilize the momentum for e-learning which has swept across the region since the COVID-19 outbreak. Erik Kikkenborg, Media Services Manager […]
Aloha to new far North fiber connections
Figuratively, the path to new fiber connections in the far north passes through Hawaii. Presence at the PTC23 (Pacific Telecommunications Council 2023) conference in Honolulu, January 15-18, forms an important element of NORDUnet’s strategic efforts to strengthen the digital sovereignty of the Nordic research and education communities.
NORDUnet to lead Northern EU Gateways work package
NEUGW — this way –> The efforts by NORDUnet to catalyze establishment of a subsea cable connection through the Arctic Ocean have gained significant momentum through a grant from the EU. The new funding will allow NORDUnet and partners to investigate in detail how subsea optical cables can connect Europe to Japan and North America […]