Alberto Pérez Gómez named Director of RedIRIS


Alberto Pérez Gómez has been appointed new director of the Spanish research and education network RedIRIS. Dr. Alberto Pérez has been Deputy Director of RedIRIS since 2004, dealing with issues of economic management, personnel, portfolio of services, and projects, including his participation in the deployment of RedIRIS-NOVA, and representation of RedIRIS in international forums such as European R&E […]

NORDUnet across the globe

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Traffic from NORDUnet criss-crosses the world. Check this snapshot from the 28th of September at 15:52 pm and see the actual traffic. The red dots indicate heavy traffic. Light traffic comes as yellow and grey dots. Please note that the map is based on accurate guesses and geoIP.

ASREN connects Jordan to global R&E networks

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The Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN), has recently connected the Jordanian University Network (JUNet) to the ASREN pop in Amman, Jordan, and onwards to London, providing JUNet connectivity to GÉANT and the global R&E netwoks. The support for JUNet follows an upgrade of the ASREN Amman – London connection from 155Mbps to 1Gbps, made […]

Report from GLIF 2017


The 17th Global Lambda Grid Workshop – also known as the 2017 GLIF meeting – recently took place in Sydney, Australia, hosted by Australian NREN AARNET. The meeting brought together 70 advanced networking experts from around the globe, and debated topics covering expansion of network resources in the Pacific region, networking for major science projects […]

MYREN launches 100 Gbps R&E Network


Today Malaysian NREN MYREN is launching a 100 Gbps network. NORDUnet congratulates MYREN with this great achievement. Established in 2005, MYREN is a young NREN but is making great strides. A 100 Gbps R&E network is a major step forward for Malaysia in general, and for the more than 800,000 researchers and students in Malaysia […]

Zoom Virtual Meeting Service for R&E


NORDUnet has launched a new, easy-to-use high-definition virtual meeting service based on Zoom, designed to meet the needs of today’s mobile researchers, students, and educators. The NORDUnet Zoom partnership provides licensing with educational discounts, tied to the use of NORDUnet provided infrastructure to support the Zoom cloud service. By using server infrastructure hosted on-premise by […]

Consolidating e-infrastructures

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Optimizing end-to-end transmission of research data will be one of the great future challenges for research & education networks. This was one of the key messages CEO René Buch presented at the recent DeiC conference in Kolding, Denmark. Also, he shared predictions of data transfer growth rates for the coming 10 to 15 years, to […]

South Core upgraded to 100 G


The Southern part of the NORDUnet network, going to Geneva, has seen a massive upgrade. Connectivity to CERN is now up from 20G to 100G. NORDUnet is collaborating with its long time partners PSNC in Poland and SURFnet in the Netherlands to create a ring from Hamburg via Frankfurt to Geneva, and from Geneva via […]

GNA – Globally Connecting Science, Research & Education

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NORDUnet and Nordic R&E Networks (UNINETT, SUNET, Funet, DeIC, and RHnet), participate in the Global Network Architecture (GNA) initiative. GNA is defining a reference architecture and creating a roadmap for both national and regional research & education networks to more seamlessly support research on an end-to-end basis. Ultimately, this effort will establish a more capable, predictable […]

LHCONE / LHCOPN meeting in Japan


The agenda for the upcoming LHCONE and LHCOPN coordination technical meeting has been annouced.   The LHCONE & LHCOPN meetings – organized by CERN – bring together engineerings from network providers (NREN’s), campuses, and scientific experients to discuss the networking needs of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). As the LHC is one of the largest scienctific […]