Change of guard at the NORDUnet Board of Directors

Change of guard at the NORDUnet Board of Directors

At the annual shareholder’s General Assembly of NORDUnet today, Guðmundur H Kjærnested of University of Iceland and Pekka Uusitalo of Finnish NREN CSC were appointed to the board, representing the Icelandic and Finnish shareholders respectively.

Guðmundur takes over from Jón Ingi Einarsson of Icelandic NREN RHnet, whereas Pekka was re-appointed.

Gitte Julin Kudsk, CEO at Danish NREN DeiC, has been elected new chair of the board taking over  the baton from Tom Røtting, Head of the infrastructure division at Norwegian NREN Sikt.

NORDUnet would like to thank Tom Røtting for his contribution to NORDUnet the past two years, guiding NORDUnet through the post-pandemic era, and not least being a driving force in the development of a new strategy for the company. Tom will continue as a member of the NORDUnet Board of Directors. NORDUnet would likewise like to thank Jón Ingi Einarsson for his eight years of service and guidance.

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