Invitation to Tender for Learning Management Solution (LMS)

Invitation to Tender for Learning Management Solution (LMS)

On behalf of the Nordic NRENs , Swedish SUNET, Danish DeiC, Icelandic RHnet, and Finnish CSC/Funet, NORDUnet has issued an Invite To Tender to encourage Learning Management System vendors to bid for framework contracts for a Learning Management Solution (LMS) for the four countries.

The procurement shall enable NORDUnet and the Nordic NRENs to purchase Learning Management solutions that are either European cloud-based, a private cloud, or an on-premise installation, that have the capability to be multi-tenant, and that will allow NORDUnet and the listed Nordic NRENs to provide the solutions to their connected and member organisations.

As the key requirements are nearly identical, NORDUnet is able to conduct a shared framework tender. Using the competitive dialogue procedure as specified by the EU, the final bidders will be selected in four stages: Pre-qualification, Outline proposals, Dialogue and Final Bid.

Some of the key requirements for the LMS include that it should be standardised, modular and flexible, using open standards like LTI and IMS, have an API for integration with other systems, and have support for single sign-on systems (SSO). Also, it should support multiple pedagogic methodologies and languages, have an HTML based, intuitive user interface for students, teachers and administrative purposes and have support for mobile devices.

A  team  comprised  of  representatives  from the participating NRENs and NORDUnet will  conduct  the procurement on behalf of the partner NRENs.

The tender has been published on TED under notice number: 2022/S 218-623369

Further information about the tender can be found in the NORDUnet procurement portal.


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