News & Updates

One Year of AARC TREE: Progress and Achievements

Federated digital identity management infrastructure and the related services is a core pillar of research and education network. Facilitating European consensus and supporting the evolution of trust and identity technologies

Arctic connections are on the Asia-Pacific agenda

NORDUnet is invited to present the progress in establishing submarine cables through the Arctic Ocean as Asia-Pacific research and education networks convene in Japan. The shortest route from Asia to

Thank you, Erik Huizer!

For the past seven years, Erik Huizer has served as CEO of the GÉANT Association, steering the organization through a transformative period.

Elections at GÉANT Association

Today, the GÉANT Association general assembly elected a new chair of the GÉANT Community Committee and re-elected two members of the Association’s

DeiC 2024 Conference

On this beautiful autumn day, the Danish NREN DeiC conference opens in Kolding, Denmark, welcoming participants under the theme, “Collaborating to Build

LHC networkers meet in Beijing

This week, experts in high-performance networking, research computing, storage infrastructure, and high-energy physics experiments met in Beijing, China, for the biannual LHCOPN-LHCONE
