News & Updates

Highlights from PTC25

The Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) serves as a hub for experts, businesses, and organizations involved in global telecommunications and technology. PTC’s annual conference, held in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, gathers leaders to discuss

Springtime for Sunet

The brand “Sunetdagarna” was well-known pre-COVID in the Nordic research and education community as a buffet of seminars organized by Swedish NREN

High-speed connectivity for Iceland’s R&E

A new subsea circuit to Ireland and upgrade of existing connections safeguard digital sovereignty of Icelandic research and education collaborations. Significantly more

Licia Florio joins NORDUnet

Licia Florio  joins NORDUnet as Strategy and Policy Officer with our Strategic Engagement Division. Licia will focus on support for European research
