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NTW2015 Programme Launched

NTW2015 Programme Launched

The NORDUnet Technical Workshop will take place from 15-17 September 2015 at the Radisson Park Inn, Kastrup, Denmark.

It is a community event driven by community interests and stakeholders.  NTW is there for the Nordic R&E networking community to meet, discuss, and work together.  We do this in plenary sessions with lightning updates, and  in topical and/or community-specific breakout sessions .

The first  and the third days of NTW  have been dedicated to community meetings and workshops. There will be 4 parallel tracks where you can choose between half day and full day workshops on a variety of topics spanning from operations to Identity & Federation, Nordic clouds, security, and how to market services.

Day two will be populated by plenary talks and lightning talks; and everyone is invited to propose a lightning talk.

The programme also includes time and events for social networking

You can see the  programme here.  Workshop descriptions will be updated on a regular basis.

Registration is also open now. Some of the workshops may have a max. limit of participants so everyone is encouraged to register early.


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