Registration open for NCW 2023

Registration open for NCW 2023

The NORDUnet Community Workshop (previously known as the Technical Workshop) will take place on 12 – 14 September 2023 in Copenhagen  and you can register already now.

We will meet at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ørestads Boulevard 114-118, 2300 København S

The previous workshops have been key events for the Nordic research and education networking community for many years with participants primarily from the technical parts. To flag more clearly that the workshop is for everybody in the community, and not only the very technical members, the workshop has been renamed the NORDUnet Community Workshop, (NCW23).

NCW will continue to be the meeting point for individuals, teams and communities working with aspects of infrastructure and NRENs, service providers, and campus staff. As in previous years, the NCW is organised around a number of community-centred and -organised workshops.

NCW is where you meet your peers and get updated on what is acute and what is up and coming in and around the R&E networking community.

This year’s draft program is up in the dedicated NCW site. Here, you can see the overall schedule and the workshops that are planned over the three days of the main event. All workshops in each area are being organised by a dedicated team of community volunteers. They are still busy pouring content into the slots but do take a few minutes and check out the offerings that include both Networking, Trust & Identity, Educational Services, Media Services and much more. And get in touch with the workshop organisers if your favourite topic is not yet there, and you want to engage people please drop a note to

The program also includes two lightning talk sessions, your chance to get updated on the diversity of developments in the world of NRENs, and your chance to update all of us – so start thinking about your lightning talk proposal already now.

During the breaks you will get the opportunity to network with colleagues and peers from the community, and the informal reception on Tuesday evening will bring you even more time to get connected and updated. The traditional dinner will take place on Wednesday evening.

The venue is Crowne Plaza. In line with previous years the registration fee for 3 days of workshop, reception and dinner has been kept at a favourably low price of EUR 175 for early bird registration (available till 18 August). Late comers (19 August – 20 September) will be charged EUR 275.

Registration is open and we look forward to seeing you in September.


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