Renewed NORDUnet strategy for 2024 – 2028

Renewed NORDUnet strategy for 2024 – 2028

A renewed NORDUnet strategy for 2024-2028 has been adopted by the NORDUnet board of directors. The strategy features a zealous ambition for NORDUnet and the collaboration of Nordic NRENs:

NORDUnet’s ambition is that we are recognised as the best international collaborators in the world, deliver a world-class technology platform for the knowledge sector, and actively enhance the digitalization of research and education for the benefit of the Nordic countries.

The strategy continues the themes of value creation through Nordic collaboration and enabling Nordic research and education by provision of network infrastructure, services and support, with an increased emphasis on international collaboration and reaping the benefits of digital transformation. To achieve this, the strategy calls on NORDUnet to review processes and ways of service delivery to match the fast pace of changes in society, and to act as an incubator for European initiatives for the Nordic community.

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