NORDUnet Completes Major Network Upgrade

NDN EU network small Oct 14

NORDUnet today announced the completion of a major upgrade of its European optical network footprint in response to the growing traffic requirements of the Nordic NRENs and the Nordic research and education community. With a deployment of an 88-channel, 100G optical transport network, NORDUnet interconnects the Nordic NRENs as well as major European transit hubs […]

GÉANT extends ESnet trans-Atlantic connectivity with three high-speed links across Europe

The European R&E network backbone GÉANT has made an agreement with the US R&E network ESnet (the US Department of Energy’s Energy Sciences Network) to deliver three 100Gbps networks links across Europe, connecting the ESnet points-of-presence in Geneva, London, and Amsterdam. Together with new ESnet trans-Atlantic infrastructure, the 100Gbps European links will greatly improve collaboration […]

SURFnet and NORDUnet give researchers fast access to datasets.

SURFnet and NORDUnet deploy 100G optical network to London for research and education Utrecht 4 December 2013 – SURFnet and NORDUnet (the network for education and research in the Nordic countries) today deployed an optical network between Amsterdam and London, initially comprising two 100 gigabit-per-second (Gbps) connections. Each organisation now has its own 100G connection to […]