“UNINETT Fagdager 2017” will take place in Trondheim, Norway from 2-5 May. There will be four days of parallel sessions and workshops, together with social events such as the main conference dinner and a tapas dinner at the grand “Banksalen” in the city center. During the conference you can attend, among other things, an all-day “Incident Response Team” session, focusing on how to establish an IRT in the research & education sector. Also, there are workshops for researchers interested in using the Sigma2 HPC resources, and workshops about using and managing cloud services.
The event is part of the new UNINETT conference model of two events per year: the “UNINETT Fagdager” in the spring and the UNINETT Conference held in the autumn.
For more information on the “UNINETT Fagdagar” programme please go to the conference website (in Norwegian). To register please click this link. The event is still ready to take on more sponsors. More about sponsorships here.