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Wiring up for TNC 21

Wiring up for TNC 21

As usual, NORDUnet has chipped in to help make the TNC – this year held virtually – a success.

For professionals in the research and education network community, the annual flagship event held by European R&E network association GÉANT, the TNC, is a must. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the TNC 21 is held online. Still, this has in no way reduced the options for following cutting edge presentations, joining seminars, and mingling in birds-of-a-feather events to suit any area of interest.

As usual, a strong representation from the Nordic NRENs and NORDUnet will participate in a number of capacities. Traditionally NORDUnet and the Nordic NRENs contribute to the practical side of the conference; this year is no expection.

“Since 2010, when Iceland played host to the TNC, NORDUnet has contributed behind the scenes,” says Erik Kikkenborg, Media Services Manager at NORDUnet.

“This year, the conference moderators will be working out of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The cameras in Amsterdam will be connected, and their continuous data stream will be transmitted to Poznan, Poland. Here, editors mix the data streams to create the result that participants will see.”

NORDUnet will be providing the video streaming and network whilst PSNC, the Polish NREN, will be in control of all audio and video mixing.

NORDUnet wishes everybody a nice TNC 21. The full program for the conference can be found at:


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