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Digital October Festival in Sweden

Digital October Festival in Sweden

Over the coming three weeks  SUNET – the Swedish NREN – will host a wealth of online seminars, presentations, and opportunities for mingling.

Following the successful introduction of a new format in spring 2021, SUNET has also converted the autumn edition of its traditional buffet of seminars – the “Sunetdagarne” – to an all-digital event. Over three weeks (October 12-28), participants will be updated on the latest trends in the network and related services. The main target group is employees of the institutions connected to SUNET or people with a similar professional interest in the network.

The format is highly flexible with most sessions being relatively short, allowing participants to pick and choose depending on their preferences and time available.

Apart from sharing experiences with the services provided by SUNET, the participants may get updated on hot topics such as cyber-security and privacy issues. A special session is devoted to textmatching – in other words digital tools which allow detection of plagiarism. 

LMS, Canvas, TimeEdit, SWAMID, eduSign, Sunet Drive, Camputnät, phpshell, DNSLabs, Sunet Survey, ATI, LTI launcher, Seamless Access, and Schrems II all have dedicated sessions.

Even though the format is all-digital, the organizers do have the social dimension of the event in mind. All through the event an online chat room – in Swedish a “Fika” Zoom Room – will be open, and a Sunetdagarne-After-Work session will be held towards the closing of the event.

The full program (in Swedish) can be found here


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