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Erik-Jan Bos to leave NORDUnet

Erik-Jan Bos to leave NORDUnet

After 10 years, Erik-Jan Bos has decided to pursue new challenges outside of NORDUnet and will be leaving the company by 1 June 2022.

Erik-Jan came to NORDUnet in 2011, after 23 years at SURF. Since then, Erik-Jan has been instrumental in realising NORDUnet and Nordic NREN ambitions on the global scene. It has been 10 years of dramatic change in the global R&E networking landscape; this period has seen the emergence of the GREN vision, the GNA architecture, the Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G), the realisation of the ANA and AER inter-continental network collaborations, the recent Polar Connect vision, and much more.

None of which would have happened without Erik-Jan as a driving force. NORDUnet are grateful to Erik-Jan for his contributions and leadership. We will miss his drive, his willingness to share knowledge and insight, and his generous personality.

NORDUnet would like to thank Erik-Jan for 10 great years and wish him much success with his future endeavours.

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