Discover In The Field – the international blog telling fascinating stories from around the world about people and projects connected by high-capacity research and education networks. A substantial number of blog posts are related to Scandinavia:
Among the most recent ones you can find a story about Vlasiator, the most accurate space weather simulator in the world. Vlasiator is developed by Minna Palmroth, professor at the Finnish Metereological Institute, succeeding in doing what many of her colleagues thought impossible: Simulating weather in near-Earth space, showing how solar wind affects us, using high performance computing and high speed networks to do so.
Another blog post from Finland tells the exiting story about how supercomputers scrutinize the use of social media in the Finnish parliamentary elections. Named Digivaalit 2015 – the Digital Election 2015 – the research project has analysed 1,5 million social media updates as well as 7.500 news articles related to the Finnish parliamentary elections in the beginning of 2015. The complex task was performed by the Taito supercluster of Finnish research and education network CSC.
Also, Swedish experts in Data Science, by mining more than 700 000 different sources on the open web, expect to forecast emergent technology related to what is known as intelligent pharmaceuticals. The research project is carried out in cooperation with global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Swedish company Recorded Future, specialised in forecasting and analysis.
And last not least, read about a mighty duet between two pipe organs 2000 kms apart from each other. Situated in Norwegian Trondheim and Czech Brno the two instruments played together over a super fast low-latency network. The event took place during the TNC2016 networking conference in Prague.
Take a look at In The Field to discover how research and education networks are made up of much more than fibre, routers and switches. These networks are enabling access to content and resources, connecting people, delivering new experiences, fostering collaboration and cultivating interdisciplinary communities.