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New member of the NORDUnet Board of Directors

New member of the NORDUnet Board of Directors

NORDUnet welcomes Gitte Julin Kudsk, DeiC, as new member of the NORDUnet governing body.

The NORDUnet General Assembly has voted in favour of Gitte Julin Kudsk, CEO of Danish NREN DeiC, to become the new Danish member of the NORDUnet Board of Directors.  Gitte takes over the baton from Steen Pedersen who stepped down as CEO of DeiC earlier this year. 

The NORDUnet Board is the governing body setting the strategic direction for NORDUnet. Through the active participation of the senior management of the Nordic NRENs, the NORDUnet Board ensures alignment of strategic objectives and priorities of NORDUnet and its members.

Gitte Julin Kudsk holds a Master of Science in Strategy and Planning from Copenhagen Business School (CBS). She has worked with digital infrastructure since 2000, when she joined UNI-C. Following a restructuring of the Danish R&E network infrastructure, her division of UNI-C became a part of DeiC.

Since 2012 Gitte Julin Kudsk has been part of the DeiC management, and as per January 1, 2021, she was appointed CEO. Gitte has extensive experience within the R&E community and has been an active participant in a wide range of international collaborations under the auspices of NORDUnet, GÉANT and NeiC.

Steen Pedersen continues in his position as CIO at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). NORDUnet wishes to thank him for his dedicated service as a member of the NORDUnet Board since 2002.

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