News & Updates

Highlights from PTC25

The Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) serves as a hub for experts, businesses, and organizations involved in global telecommunications and technology. PTC’s annual conference, held in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, gathers leaders to discuss


NORDUnet wins prestigious Design Award

”The Power of Nordic Unity – 40 years of NORDUnet” the digital publication that was released in connection with the celebration of NORDUnet’s 40th anniversary in

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Digital Springtime in Sweden

The traditional open spring seminars of SUNET, the Swedish NREN, are held this year in a new format.  As always, the topics

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Introducing the GREN

NORDUnet and the Nordic NRENs are proud members of a global family of research and education networks, each serving their own country


Tender for Speech2text

NORDUnet is tendering for a Speech2Text Solution The Nordic R&E community is committed to produce and publish teaching and other material with

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Making Europe fit for the Digital Age

At a lively high-level online seminar, organized by NORDUnet and Nordic NRENs, four keynote speakers emphasized the importance of a European Digital


Erik-Jan Bos speaking at WACREN2021

“NRENs are more important then ever. Both Research & Education are global endeavors therefor NRENs should think global and act local embracing


René Buch speaks at WACREN 2021

NORDUnet CEO René Buch today joined WACREN 2021 as panelist in a session on new and emerging technologies that are shaping our


Save the date for NTW2021

30 November – 2 December 2021 Nordic Technical Workshop hosted by NORDUnet (NTW) NTW is the meeting point for individuals, teams and
