News & Updates

Highlights from PTC25

The Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) serves as a hub for experts, businesses, and organizations involved in global telecommunications and technology. PTC’s annual conference, held in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, gathers leaders to discuss


GÉANT Association Launch OpenCloudMesh

GÉANT Association has launched the OpenCloudMesh initative, a global cloud service project, allowing operators of private cloud services based on the ownCloud software

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FUNET deploys 100Gbps network

Finnish NREN FUNET became the first Nordic network to connect to NORDUnet at 100 Gbps on Monday 19 January 2015. This is the first connection based


NeIC Conference 2015

The second NeIC conference will be hosted by NeIC and CSC – IT Center for Science in Finland from 5-8 May. Similar to

GÉANT Association Logo

GÉANT Association Elects 1st Board

On 11 December 2014, the GÉANT Association Assembly met in Zagreb for it’s first meeting since forming the GÉANT Association in Berlin



NORDUnet is present at this year’s Armada fair at KTH, Stockholm on 18-19 November meeting students on the outlook for exciting potential


NORDUnet joins NL-IX

To secure the best possible commodity internet service for the Nordic research and educational networks NORDUnet operates a global IP network infrastructure. NORDUnet
