Zooming in on SUNET

Zooming in on SUNET

Over the coming three weeks Swedish NREN Sunet will host a wealth of online seminars, presentations, and opportunities for mingling.

Following the successful conversion in 2021, the Swedish national research and education network Sunet will again conduct its “Sunetdagarna” in an all-online format.

Beginning Tuesday, March 15, participants will be able to attend a buffet of seminars and events through Sunet’s Zoom meeting rooms. The main target group counts employees of the institutions connected to Sunet, and others with a similar professional interest in the network.

As always, participants will be able to get updated on the latest trends in the network and related services.

Due to the current geopolitical situation and general cyber security trends several of this year’s sessions will be devoted to cyber defense.

The format is highly flexible with most sessions being relatively short, allowing participants to pick and choose according to each their preferences and time available.

Even though the format is all-digital, the organizers do have the social dimension of the event in mind. All through the event an online chat room – in Swedish a “Fika” Zoom Room – will be open, and a “Sunetdagarne-After-Work” session will run towards the termination of the event.

For more details, visit the full program (in Swedish) at the SUNET wiki.

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