News & Updates

Highlights from PTC25

The Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) serves as a hub for experts, businesses, and organizations involved in global telecommunications and technology. PTC’s annual conference, held in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, gathers leaders to discuss

NORDUnet at PTC’24

Once again NORDUnet is joining the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. Taking place 20-25 January 2024, PTC’24 brings together

Polar Connect - Vision 2030

North Pole Fiber project kick-off

The next step of the global Polar Connect project begins today! SUNET, the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, and NORDUnet meet in Stockholm

NORDUnet awarded CEF-2 Digital project for Polar Connect

NORDUnet, the Swedish Research Council (VR), and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat have received funding from the European Commission for the North Pole Fibre project. A project that aims to deliver strategic network resources as per the European Union’s Digital Global Gateway strategy

In memory of Jacqueline Brown

NORDUnet is saddened to learn about the passing of Jacqueline Brown. Jacqueline made an enormous contribution to the global research network community
